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Tuesday 12 July 2016

PTCL and IBM to jointly launch Public Cloud Services in Pakistan

 PTCL has agreed to launch Public Cloud Services in Pakistan with the collaboration IBM  Italia S.p.A (Pakistan). The IBM turnkey solution will be hosted at PTCL’s state-of-the-art  Data Centers in Lahore and Karachi for corporate customers.
 The landmark agreement was signed between two leading industry players in Islamabad  and it was decided that PTCL, using the IBM cloud platform, will be offering cutting edge  services such as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) with Virtual Private Servers (VPS),  Disaster Recovery Site (DRS), Backup and Storage as a Service along with Webhosting  Solutions and Compute on Demand to customers in Pakistan.
 The IBM cloud platform, equipped with the latest technologies, is an important step forward  in developing a viable information technology infrastructure and a natural progression of  PTCL’s successful data center business in Pakistan.
 On the occasion, Kamal Ahmed, Chief Digital and Corporate Services Officer PTCL,  said: “The PTCL-IBM Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) agreement is an important step  forward in our efforts to create greater value, not only for our customers but the entire  enterprise segment.”
 Ghazanfar Ali, General Manager IBM Pakistan, who also graced the occasion said: “Cloud  is changing the IT landscape across the world. This collaboration brings a reliable in country  Public Cloud service built on the well-established capabilities of IBM and PTCL.”
 A public cloud is one based on the standard cloud computing model, in which a service  provider makes resources, such as applications and storage, available to the general public  over the Internet. Although, this collaboration is not going to be first of its kind step into the  cloud computing arena of Pakistan. Pakistan’s First OpenStack Cloud was deployed by  Nayatel with PLUMgrid and Inbox.
 IBM has an active existence with vast cloud computing services in Pakistan while, PTCL is  the largest internet provider which powers DSL connectivity to most of Pakistani homes and  that is why this collaboration has been viewed as a very good notion for Pakistani  technology scenario by critiques.
 Now enterprises can focus more on their core business as IBM and PTCL can take care of  their infrastructure needs with world-class technology, connectivity and processes.

Wednesday 1 June 2016

The key to Firebase security

All data stored in Firebase is by default readable and writable by any authenticated user. While this is great for getting started, productions apps require stronger security. Thankfully, Firebase has your back with Security Rules. They provide a declarative way to specify who can access certain data and what schema that data should have. Take a deep dive into Firebase security to learn the best practices when securing your production Firebase apps.


Friday 27 May 2016

Facebook starts selling offsite ads targeting non-users too

Facebook’s advertising network is already a colossal business — it helped the social network bring in over $5 billion in revenue in its most recent quarter alone — but it is about to take a step towards become the internet’s advertising exchange after announcing that it will start showing ads to non-users across the web..
Previously, if you were either not a Facebook user or not logged into the social network, then Facebook advertising on third party websites or mobile apps — powered by the Facebook Audience Network — would not be visible to you. That all changes today.
With more than 1.6 billion active users who share a range of personal information through its service, Facebook has built a formidable advertising business that enables companies to drill down into granular detail when targeting the audience they want to reach. That’s changed the game for generating interest in websites, services, app downloads or really anything online. While Facebook’s Audience Network has enabled it to extend that reach outside of Facebook to let advertisers find Facebook users while they are not inside the social network, today’s subtle move could hand advertisers the power to reach even more people.
According to the Wall Street Journal, Facebook will use a mix of cookie tracking, its own buttons and plugins and other data to identify non-users on third-party websites. Added to that data, Facebook will use patterns within its massive userbase to make educated guesses about non-users to help target them with more relevant advertising.
For example, why are they on this particular website, what interests and hobbies might they have, etc. These details are essential to replicating the very precise Facebook ad targeting with those who don’t have a Facebook account. If hundreds of thousands of Facebook users who also visited a site are interested in a particular type of clothing or app, or respond well to a specific kind of marketing, Facebook could use that insight to boost the relevance of ads pointed at non-users who visited that site — both immediately and later since the cookies follow them.
“Because we have a core audience of over a billion people [on Facebook] who we do understand, we have a greater opportunity than other companies using the same type of mechanism,” Andrew Bosworth, VP of Facebook’s ads and business platform, told the Journal.
Bosworth believes that, beyond offering more targeted outreach for advertisers, Facebook’s knowledge of internet users and advertising practices can benefit users by cutting down on poor quality advertising.
“Advertising may be here to stay, but bad advertising… doesn’t have to. That’s why we’re working to provide a better online advertising experience for everyone: people, publishers, and advertisers,” he wrote in a blog post.
“While more than a hundred companies already serve interest-based advertising on websites and apps today, we offer a better experience because we care about the integrity of Facebook ads,” Bosworth added. That includes refusing to run ads that auto-play sound or use frustrating pop-ups.
This move could be hugely pivotal for Facebook. Not only does it is further evidence that the company is keen to establish itself as the world’s premier video platform — which has some seriously money when it comes to advertising, not to mention tough competition from the likes of YouTube — by appealing beyond its social network, it also raises some tantalizing possibilities for the future.
Back when Facebook began testing off-network advertising in 2012, TechCrunch’s resident Facebook reporter Josh Constine wrote about the potential for an ad-free experience on the social network. It would essentially use its main properties to collect data and provide a consistently enjoyable experience, instead of using the Facebook and Instagram apps as sources of page views.
While it is up for debate whether Facebook would go so far as to remove its core ads altogether, a thriving internet business could allow it to impose a stricter filter on the kinds of ads it shows or avoid having to show more per organic News Feed post than it does already.
That could help place more focus on video advertising, a play that Facebook has pursued for some time, while fewer ad spots would make those actually on the social network considerably more valuable. Scarcity would mean these spots are more valuable to advertisers and, potentially, more relevant and less intrusive.
Facebook’s big competitor in the global ads market is Google. The search giant might arguably know more about people’s browsing habits. But since Google failed at social, it never got users voluntarily filling out profiles full of valuable, targetable personal information.
One thing is for sure from today’s news though: if you’ve avoided getting a Facebook account so far or have quit the social network, there is no hiding — Facebook will find you on the internet.

Wednesday 4 May 2016

PieMessage brings iMessage functionality to Android, with a catch

Both Microsoft and Google tend to be pretty open to the idea of bringing their apps and services to rival platforms, with Microsoft being particularly friendly with Android, and Google releasing the vast majority of its apps onto Apple’s ecosystem. On the other hand, Apple takes a decidedly different strategy, keeping most of its apps and services close to the vest, save forApple Music and an app designed to help people switch away from Android. With this in mind, it’s pretty safe to say that iMessage will likely never get official Android support, but thanks to the efforts of a dev going by “ bboyairwreck” there is now a pretty cool workaround.
Instead of using a remote server, you need a Mac of your own, and it has to be on all the time for this to work.
Admittedly this isn’t the first time a developer has brought iMessage support to Android, but previous implementations have used remote servers and have largely been considered a security risk as a result. PieMessage is different. Instead of using a remote server, you need a Mac of your own, and it has to be on all the time for this to work. Basically, the app uses the laptop as an intermediary between iMessage and PieMessage, routing messages through the laptop where they arrive instantly on the other side to our phones. While needing a Mac makes this less convenient, it also removes all the security risks associated with other iMessage-to-Android workarounds before it.
The developer calls this open source app more of a proof of concept than a polished product and hopes to see it expand in functionality over time, either by his own hands or by the efforts of the Android community at large. Some of the things not fully functioning at the moment include photos and group messaging, as well as the ability to see that someone is typing a message to you (as normally represented by dots). While the latter of these things isn’t quite on the radar just yet, improved photos and group messaging support should arrive in a future update.
For those switching from an iPhone to Android, or those with a ton of iPhone-wielding friends, PieMessage is certainly a cool concept and one that’s very much worth keeping an eye on for future development. What are your thoughts? Share them down in the comments.
Click in on Github

Sunday 24 April 2016

Why your wallet is becoming the next platform

The “wallet” in the modern sense of “flat case for holding paper currency” dates back almost 200 years. The word itself goes back 700 years, and the concept (minus paper currency) for millennia.
Leather wallets were not “smart,” of course; they were atom agnostic, payment type agnostic, even, as credit cards and the like started proliferating in the mid 20th century. But today the payment type is almost a pointer — in computer science vernacular — to a source of money. And the wallet itself is the master pointer, used for opening and closing a transaction, and choosing which sub-pointer to assign.
Because intercepting the payment leads to a whole downstream treasure of goodies, the wallet — once tanned animal hide — is going to be the ultimate financial platform. As digital wallets increasingly become the origination point for consumer spending, they will become THE platform for downstream financial services — creating an opportunity for startups and a problem for established players.
The problem, of course, is that a payment type can become a wallet, and a wallet can become a payment type. So which is which? If a ridesharing company has 100 million credentials, they’ve solved half of the network effect problem of being a payment company — so you could imagine using that app as your wallet at, say, Walmart. Or Starbucks, which is one of the biggest wallets, has a pointer within its wallet to Visa Checkout, another wallet, pointing to a card type (a Visa card, or even a MasterCard/Amex/Discover card), pointing to a “loan” (the “credit” part of a credit card), ultimately pointing to a bank account.
As a stack, we have hardware — your mobile phone — at the top and bank accounts holding the actual treasure at the very bottom. But it’s better to think of this “stack” as really a system of pointers, in this case downwards. And the goal for businesses is finding and occupying a defensible position in this stack that allows them to intercept payments, capturing and controlling value to become that ultimate financial platform.

Thursday 21 April 2016

Facebook Will Soon Let You Earn Money From Your Posts

Learners Bytes: Mark Zuckerberg has realised Facebook’s power to experiment with new ideas to generate content and revenue. According to a news report, Facebook is testing new ways to allow the individual users to earn money from their posts. It indicates how aggressively Facebook is moving ahead to become a more dominant force in real-time sharing.

Facebook is now looking for new ways to make monetization of different aspects of Facebook a priority and become the biggest force in the tech world. Recently, the company allowed all publishers to use the Instant Articles platform and show ads to the readers.
As a similar policy change, a new survey was recently spotted by The Verge that hints at the future prospects of Facebook allowing its users to make some profit from their posts on the social network.
The user survey indicates that Facebook users could make money or promote a cause with the help of different options. Users can include a tip jar, share branded content, and take a portion of the ad revenue Facebook earns from their posts.
It was also reported that Facebook could also ask the users to use a ‘call to action’ button to direct the visitors to donations, some sponsored marketplace, or other monetization schemes.
Image : The Verge
At the moment, Facebook doesn’t allow the individual users to earn money by posting any content on Facebook. It has allowed the news publishers to make money using its platform by rolling out more tools and ad formats.
In past couple of years, Facebook has emerged as an advertising giant and the business of online news has never been forgiving. According to a recent survey, in the first quarter of 2016, 85 cents of every dollar spent on online advertising goes to Facebook or Google.
Facebook has the power to experiment with new ideas to generate content and revenue. It has realised its potential as a game changer and is busy twisting and making the new rules of internet marketing.

Why to choose the best web development company?

The Internet has become an effective tool of sales. As the web advance, people are spending most of their time accessing their favorite sites on the internet. 
Many of the organizations are designing a professional website to boost their brand image and growth as well. Through this, a company can show its strength and a distinct identity to the web users. 
A professional and attractive website help you to extend your business and market your wide range of products and services in an efficient and cost-effective manner. Therefore from small to large scale companies, are hiring a reputed web development company that can build an aesthetic website (online presence) for them.

Saturday 16 April 2016

Join the Deep Learning Revolution: Program the Google’s Revolutionary Artificial Brain and Develop Intelligent Android, iPhone, Web and IoT Apps

Zia Khan
Do you want to Learn to Program the Google’s Revolutionary Artificial Brain?
We are planning to start a new course in "Deep Learning" in September in major Universities of Pakistan that is going to bring the latest state of the art technology to Pakistan. It will will allow developers to build intelligent Android, iPhone, Web and IoT Apps. Right now we are preparing the material for the course, therefore need your feedback? Please review the document:…/deep%20learning.docx…
Please give us your feedback, tell us what needs to be added or removed from this program? Most importantly tell us if you are interested in taking this course? because right now we plan to offer only one class with 100 handpicked students.

Wednesday 13 April 2016

I'm proud to join Yuri Milner and Stephen Hawking for a new space initiative to go beyond our nearby planets to explore other stars for the first time in human history.
Our nearest star, Alpha Centauri, is 4.3 light years or about 25 trillion miles away. Even with today's fastest spacecraft, it would take 30,000 years to get there. That's too long.
The new idea here is that instead of using large spacecraft burning fuel like people have in all traditional space travel, we're going to create a fleet of tiny spacecraft -- or nanocraft -- that we can accelerate to 20% of the speed of light using an array of laser beams from our planet's surface. At that speed of 100 million miles per hour, it will only take 20 years to reach Alpha Centauri. This is a completely new way to think about space travel and exploration.
The reason this project is important is recent research has found many stars have planets within a distance where they could have water to sustain life. That is, they're close enough to their star that any water isn't frozen but not so close that it has all evaporated. But just because a planet is in this habitable zone doesn't mean it has water and is a place we can actually live. For example, Mars has no water, so it would be difficult to ever live there. It's quite possible the closest planet that humans could actually live on is orbiting Alpha Centauri, and the only way to know that for sure is to visit close enough to photograph the planet, which is what this project will do.
Over the years, Yuri and I have worked on a number of science initiatives together, including creating the Breakthrough Prize. I'm excited to support this latest initiative with Stephen Hawking, and to help bring human space exploration to the stars

Tuesday 12 April 2016

Facebook's 10 year roadmap

At our F8 conference this morning I laid out Facebook's 10 year roadmap and everything we're building to make the world more open and connected.
We announced new technology like Messenger bots that use artificial intelligence to make it easier to communicate with businesses. Now you'll be able to send messages to a business like you do with a friend -- and get a quick reply without taking your full attention or requiring you to install a new app.
We also opened up the Live API. This means that you can stream live video from any device directly to Facebook.
Over the long run, we're building planes and satellites to connect everyone to the internet; artificial intelligence to help us interact with services more easily; and virtual reality to help us experience the world in a totally new way.
I've always believed that giving more people a voice makes the world a better place, and I'm excited about the future we're all building together.
From now on we will using this Application Architecture for developing products in Panacloud, Zavia, and other companies we are going to form in the future. We will will also use this to teach how to build serverless web and mobile apps in our classes in Sir Syed University, Saylani, and All Pakistan Memon Federation. 
Serverless computing is definitely a game changer. AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Functions, and Azure Functions provide event-driven computing services that have gotten many developers excited, one that makes it easy to set up rules associated with their applications and then let the computers take action on their own. Developers don’t need to worry about scaling out these programs across many virtual machines, and only pay for the time it takes for their functions to be executed. This opens to the developer’s endless possibilities offered by the event-driven approach combined with the rich Cloud ecosystem offered by the main Cloud vendors, AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform. 
We will focus on developing these serverless cloud services using TypeScript.
I have also updated the syllabus:

Monday 11 April 2016

Star Rafay Baloch, IT Internet who has been the head of the Pakistani pride

Star Rafay Baloch, who has been the head of the Pakistani pride resolve paypal iusse paypal given 10000$ to Rafay Baloch and offer job

Friday 8 April 2016

Google launches Android Studio 2.0

Google launches Android Studio 2.0 with Instant Run, faster Android emulator, and Cloud Test Lab

Thursday 7 April 2016

Announcing Windows Support in Ionic 2

The 15 most successful ethical hackers worldwide

Not all hackers are evil, some of them do fight to keep the internet safe. Most of the good guys do it for the bounties offered by major brands and net companies.
This new infographic from Nimbus Hosting lists some of the world's most successful and profitable bug bounty hunters that have discovered little glitches with disastrous potential.

Mobile App Awards

Mobile App Awards Pakistan 2016 to Focus on Apps for Disabled People:

Pakistan Telecommunication Authority together with Internet Society (ISOC) Bureau, Telenor Pakistan, National ICT R&D Fund, Ministry of Information Technology, Special Talent Exchange Program, Pakistan Foundation Fighting Blindness, Pakistan Blind Cricket Council and Pakistan Youth Foundation of Deaf and Hard of Hearing has launched the 2016 edition of the Pakistan Mobile App Awards.

Tuesday 5 April 2016

About me

Name:Muhammed Ahmed Raza

F.Name:Muhammed Munaf

About Me:

I am a student Of Saylani Mobile Software Development Training,and study in Intermediate

You can Follow Me On this way:Facebook GitHub Gmail

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Contact #:03362166097