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Tuesday 12 April 2016

From now on we will using this Application Architecture for developing products in Panacloud, Zavia, and other companies we are going to form in the future. We will will also use this to teach how to build serverless web and mobile apps in our classes in Sir Syed University, Saylani, and All Pakistan Memon Federation. 
Serverless computing is definitely a game changer. AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Functions, and Azure Functions provide event-driven computing services that have gotten many developers excited, one that makes it easy to set up rules associated with their applications and then let the computers take action on their own. Developers don’t need to worry about scaling out these programs across many virtual machines, and only pay for the time it takes for their functions to be executed. This opens to the developer’s endless possibilities offered by the event-driven approach combined with the rich Cloud ecosystem offered by the main Cloud vendors, AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform. 
We will focus on developing these serverless cloud services using TypeScript.
I have also updated the syllabus:

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